All adults aged over 50 years are eligible for the flu vaccine.
Other Adults: Certain adults aged between 18-64 years with some long term conditions, pregnant women, carers, employees in Care Homes.
Children aged 2-3 (born between 1 Sept 2017 – 31 August 2019) are eligible for flu vaccination with the practice. Children aged between 4-11 will be vaccinated at school unless they are unable to receive a live vaccine. If this is the case for your school-aged child, please make an appointment.
If you were a shielded patient, you and your household are also eligible for a flu vaccination this year. Please book to the relevant age group.
Any eligible patients who are housebound will be vaccinated at home by either the District Nurse team or one of our Practice Nurses. We will confirm your visit date in due course if you are on the list for our Practice Nurse to visit.